Couples Services | Sexual Health
Hormone and Testosterone Therapy
Throughout life hormone levels change. This is due to a variety of reasons and adverse side-effects tend to increase with age. We offer couples hormone and testosterone therapy to help bring the spark back into their lives and bedrooms. If you experience low energy, decreased sex drive, and difficulty achieving pleasure, hormone therapy could be the solution for your relationship!
We have taken the conventional method of Testosterone Injections and developed a cutting-edge procedure that drastically enhances the outcomes for men. While this is considered a restorative wellness treatment for overall health, low testosterone has shown to be a factor related to ED. Testosterone replacement therapy helps with loss of energy caused by the imbalance of testosterone decreasing. We offer testosterone therapy to help increase in energy, vitality, and overall performance in men.
For females, we offer hormone replacement therapy, which is used to treat symptoms related to menopause including vaginal dryness and atrophy, which can make sex uncomfortable and unpleasurable. This medication replaces the estrogen your body stops making during menopause and sometimes include progesterone.